Sunday, April 20, 2008

almost done

Last weekend my practicum group finished our final project that we have been working on all year. The agency we have been working with helps abused women get back on their feet. While trying to figure out how we could best help these women we, with the agencies approval, decided on organizing an interactive health fair for them. We finally held the fair on the 12th and had a great turnout. There were about 14 different stations that provided various things like child ID kits, immunizations, smoking cessation, and body fat testing. We had wonderful volunteers, including k3's mom and sister, and lots of donations. I have loved planning the fair and could not have ended the semester feeling more proud and accomplished. My practicum group has been together for two years now and will finally be parting ways as we prepare to graduate. I am sad but cannot wait to be done!


Meradith said...

Hey Chels! Found your blog through Heidi's, Congrats on finishing school up! That's gotta feel awesome. What else is new? You guys look great:)

Bailey said...

I am so proud of you! graduating and being all responsible and everything. Sounds like a great idea for the fair, good for you.